Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The Creep at FB is KO

Let's see, KO has been sending emails from her fake email shit she uses, then claims she's being victimized with ID theft. KO is "laughing" at "fatherless children" showing her cruelty in all its nastiness. But all of what she vomits is just more projection. She can't get a man, and she's not married and she's a stalker. Who would marry such a psycho? It'd be plausible if she didn't look like a maggot-filled garbage pail bloater.

While using fake emails to send threats, she uses her drama queen self to claim others are, claim others are doing ID theft and her usual claim that people are stalking her and now going off on someone who unfriended her.

Maybe nasty KO pissed off someone who is blonde and they decided they had heard enough and washed their hands of that nasty, bigoted bitch?

But what do you wanna bet that whoever this was, was asking questions and wanting proof and KO went and unfriended them to avoid answering a direct question? I VOTE THE LATTER!

What's really strange is that her crazy and her psycho is plain as day yet she's still got fools who still believe her psycho and let themselves get bamboozled.

And dear readers, some of you already got some of her nasty emails but a heads up to all of you: BLOCK THIS EMAIL anonymous@foto.nl1.torservers.net as that would be the crazy stalker bitch who now has several of my subscribers contact info.

Full of crazy and batshit stirred into a little psycho post!

KO is going to do a "ritual" to talk to some dead guy that she's never met in life about his own kid? And when said dead guy explains that he can see all things from the Other Side and he has undeniable proof that she is absolutely batshit insane, can see how she harasses people and what she's written and done, wonder how her ritual will go then? Will she make things fly around the room in her typical rage or will it be the dead guy who had to listen to a crazy bitch moan and groan about his own kid? Hope it's the latter!

And no, little crazy nutso. Nobody's "shivering" about your post that you intentionally made sure was seen due to your trolling tactics. Just laughing and maybe some head shaking. But that's it.

So NOT reality in any sense of the word! One, she does NOT live on her own terms, she lives in a total dark misery where she is constantly thinking about all the people who've distanced themselves from her because she's toxic. And she certainly care what people are thinking that she will stalk them endlessly.

See? She even admits to being poison (toxic)!

 HaHaHa! So I guess she does care about what others' opinions are of her after all!

This is hysterical. KO claims she is right about everyone else including the poor guy who is now her target and spends all her time being obsessed with everyone else, but then claims everyone else is wrong! The fact she keeps dedicating all her internet accounts to people who want nothing to do with her and that she constantly bitches about and slanders, is proof enough that we are all RIGHT about her!

The bitch needs slapped. Hard. Her own parents never gave her an ass whipping for being such a psycho brat!

And the psychopath that she is, she reveals that she abuses animals!


 Batshit Cray of the Day!
I think she answered her own question! That number in red is the number of people who stupidly love her. The number in green is the real number of people whom she has attacked, abused, maligned and stalked. So 414 people hate KO. 2 idiots and a couple of relatives love her. And even that is sketchy lol.

Monday, August 15, 2016

The KOok has been making yet another fandom toxic with her toxic self!

I have just noticed someone has clued us in on the recent goings on in a Doctor Who site.

Check it!

Scroll down to the replies left by Unknown and see that the insane stalker creep has landed on yet another unsuspecting group of people to abuse and use!

To the DW fans; I am truly sorry she has stunk up your place with her toxic self. And here I was, all of us in Beatles/Paul McCartney fandom, breathing a sigh of relief that she stopped going to our sites all the time with her insane shit day after day, night after night!

It was just that she found someplace new to ooze on.

My sincerest condolences.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

KO the Racist of People's Hair Color

What a arrogant hateful piece of filth. So the latest is she supports Hillary Clinton because Clinton said something along the lines of standing up to bullies. Yeah we all know how Clinton "stands up" to "bullies" better translated as "killing off" people who can expose what she really is. Let's be honest here.

Aside from KO's major projection that she still excels at, let's put this better into words aligned with how KO "stands up" to her enemies. First she sends threats. Check. Then when she is banned from Dirk Benedict sites for sending threats and all the libel she is guilty of, she goes and stalks people, finds their phone numbers and then calls to continue with the threats. That folks, is KO's version if :standing up to what she calls bullies but in reality are just poor site and group owners who were at their wit's end dealing with her sick ass.

But the hate against them is now, at this time, about their hair color! KO is off her meds again! Someone shove those pills down her and get her back into her padded cell!

 Thankfully people aren't as stupid or as bigoted as she is.